SkiLMeeT > Literature

List of references

These reference resources were selected based on Project WeLaR’s Deliverable 2.1, an analysis of the current state of the art and gaps in research. The WeLaR team believes they will serve as valuable resources in our work and for anyone engaged in similar research. We expect this list to evolve as the project progresses.


Aaronson, D., Dehejia, R., Jordan, A., Pop-Eleches, C., Samii, C., & Schulze, K. (2021). The effect of fertility on mothers’ labour supply over the last two centuries. The Economic Journal, 131(633), 1–32.

Aaronson, D., Lewers, R., & Sullivan, D. (2021). Labour reallocation during the Covid-19 pandemic. Chicago Fed Letter.

Abeliansky, A.L., & Prettner, K. (2023). Automation and population growth: Theory and cross-country evidence. Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, 208, 345-358.

Acemoglu, D. & Restrepo, R. (2018). Demographics and Automation (NBER working paper No. 24421). NBER.

Acemoglu, D., & Restrepo, P. (2020). Robots and Jobs: Evidence from US Labour Markets. The Journal of Political Economy, 128(6), 2188–2244.

Acemoglu, D., & Restrepo, P. (2022). Demographics and Automation. The Review of Economic Studies, 89(1), 1–44.

Acemoglu, D., & Restrepo, P. (2022). Tasks, automation, and the rise in US wage inequality. Econo­metrica, 90(5), 1973-2016.

Addarii, F., & Lipparini, F. (2017). Vision and trends of social innovation for Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Adrjan, P., Ciminelli, G., Judes, A., Koelle, M., Schwellnus, C., & Sinclair, T. (2021). Will it stay or will it go? Analysing developments in telework during COVID-19 using online job postings data. OECD Productivity Working Papers, 21(30).

Agrawal, D. & Brueckner, J. (2022). Taxes and Telework: The Impacts of State Income Taxes in a Work-from-Home Economy (CESifo Working Paper No. 9975). CESifo.

Agrawal, D., & Stark, K. (2022). Will the Remote Work Revolution Undermine Progressive State Income Taxes? (CESifo Working Paper No. 9805). CESifo.

Aksoy, C. G., Barrero, J. M., Bloom, N., Davis, S. J., Dolls, M., & Zarate, P. (2022). Working from home around the world (NBER Working Paper No 30446). NBER.

Albinowski, M., & Lewandowski, P. (2022). The impact of ICT and robots on labour market outcomes of demographic groups in Europe (Research Report). UNTANGLED project 1001004776 – H2020.

Alesina, A. F., & Giuliano, P. (2009). Preferences for redistribution (No. w14825).

Alesina, A., Stantcheva, S., & Teso, E. (2018). Intergenerational mobility and preferences for redistri­bution. American Economic Review, 108(2), 521-554.

Altenried, M. (2021). Mobile workers, contingent labour: Migration, the gig economy and the multipli­cation of labour. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 1-16.

Ameri, M., Kruse, D., Park, S. R., Rodgers, Y., & Schur, L. (2022). Telework during the pandemic: patterns, challenges, and opportunities for people with disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 16(2).

Anheier, H. K., Krlev, G., & Mildenberger, G. (Eds.). (2019). Social innovation: Comparative perspec­tives. Routledge.

Anzolin, G. (2021). Automation and its Employment Effects A Literature Review of Automotive and Garment Sectors (JRC Working Papers Series on Labour, Education and Technology 2021/16). JRC.

Aristei, D., & Perugini, C. (2010). Preferences for redistribution and inequality in well-being across Europe. Journal of Policy Modeling, 32(2), 176-195.

Autor, D. H. (2013). The ‘task approach’ to labour markets: an overview. Journal for Labour Market Research, 46(3), 185–199.

Autor, D., & Salomons, A. (2018). Is automation labour-displacing? Productivity growth, employment, and the labour share (NBER Working Paper No. 24871). NBER.

Avelino, F. (2021). Theories of power and social change. Power contestations and their implications for research on social change and innovation. Journal of Political Power, 14(3), 425–448.

Babiker, M. H., & Eckaus, R. S. (2007). Unemployment effects of climate policy. Environmental Science & Policy, 10(7), 600–609.

Bachmann, R., Gonschor, M., Lewandowski, P.,& Madoń, K. (2023). The impact of robots on Labour Market Transitions in Europe (IBS working paper 01/2023). IBS

Baldwin, R., & Lopez-Gonzalez, J. (2015). Supply-chain Trade: A Portrait of Global Patterns and Several Testable Hypotheses. The World Economy, 38(11), 1682–1721.

Banga, K. (2016). Impact of Global Value Chains on Employment in India. Journal of Economic Integra­tion, 31(3), 631–673.

Barrage, L. (2017). Carbon Pricing Policy Design and Revenue Management: Economic Models and Policy Practice. In: K.N. Ninan and M. Inoue (eds.), Building a Climate Resilient Economy and Society (pp. 213-230). Edward Elgar Publishers.

Barrero, J. M., Bloom, N., & Davis, S. J. (2021). Why working from home will stick (NBER Working Paper No 28731). NBER.

Barrientos, S. (2013). ‘Labour chains’: Analysing the role of labour contractors in global production networks. Journal of Development Studies 49(8), 1058–1071.

Bassanini, A., Nunziata, L., & Venn, D. (2009). Job Protection Legislation and Productivity Growth in OECD Countries. Economic Policy, 24, 349–402.

Bassetto, J. & Ippedico, G. (2023). Can Tax Incentives Bring Brains Back? Returnees Tax Schemes and High-Skilled Migration in Italy (CESifo Working Paper No. 10271). CESifo.

Becker, S. O., & Fetzer, T. (2018). Has Eastern European Migration Impacted UK-born Workers?. University of Warwick, Department of Economics.

Beerli, A., Ruffner, J., Siegenthaler, M., & Peri, G. (2021). The abolition of immigration restrictions and the performance of firms and workers: Evidence from Switzerland. American Economic Review, 111(3), 976-1012.

Bell, B., Bukowski, P., & Machin, S. (2023). The decline in rent sharing. Journal of Labour Economics, forthcoming.

Benabou, R., & Ok, E. A. (2001). Social mobility and the demand for redistribution: the POUM hypoth­esis. The Quarterly journal of economics, 116(2), 447-487.

Bento, A. M., Goulder, L. H., Jacobsen, M. R. & von Haefen R. H. (2009). Distributional and efficiency impacts of increased U.S. gasoline taxes. American Economic Review, 99(3), 667–699.

Berg, J. (2016). Income security in the on-demand economy: Findings and policy lessons from a survey of crowdworkers. International Labour Organization.

Bertoni, M., Cavapozzi, D., Pasini, G., & Pavese, C. (2021). Remote working and mental health during the first wave of Covid-19 pandemic. (IZA Discussion Paper No 14773). IZA.

Bessen, J. E., Goos, M., Salomons, A., & Van den Berge, W. (2019). Automatic Reaction-What Happens to Workers at Firms That Automate? (Law and Economics Research Paper). Boston Univ. School of Law.

Blanas, S., & Oikonomou, R. (2023). COVID-induced economic uncertainty, tasks and occupational demand. Labour Economics, 81.

Blanchflower, D. G, & Bryson, A. (2010). The wage impact of trade unions in the UK public and private sectors. Economica, 77, 92-109.

Blanchflower, D. G., & Bryson, A. (2003). What effect do unions have on wages now and would ‘what do unios do?’ be surprised? (NBER working paper No. 9973). NBER.

Blau, F. D., & Winkler, A. E. (2017). Women, Work, and Family (NBER Working Paper No. 23644), August 2017, Revised September 2017

Bloom, N., Garicano, L., Sadun, R., & Van Reenen, J. (2014). The distinct effects of information tech­nology and communication technology on firm organization. Management Science, 60(12), 2859–2885.

Bluedorn, J., Caselli, F., Hansen, N. J., Shibata, I., & Tavares, M. M. (2023). Gender and employment in the COVID-19 recession: Cross-country evidence on ‘she-cessions’. Labour Economics, 81.

Boeri, T. (2010). Immigration to the Land of Redistribution: Immigration to the Land of Redistri­bution. Economica, 77(308), 651‑87.

Boeri, T., Mishra, P., Papageorgiou, C., & Spilimbergo, A. (2021). Populism and civil society. Economica, 88(352), 863-895.

Borjas, G. J. (2014). Immigration Economics. Harvard University Press.

Borzaga, C., Galera, G., Franchini, B., Chiomento, S., Nogales, R., & Carini, C. (2020). Social enter­prises and their ecosystems in Europe. Comparative synthesis report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Browne, J., & Immervoll, H. (2018). Mechanics of replacing benefits systems with a basic income: Comparative results from a microsimulation approach.(OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. 201). OECD Publishing.

Bryan, M. L., & Jenkins, S. P. (2013). Regression Analysis of Country Effects Using Multilevel Data: A Cautionary Tale (IZA Discussion Paper, no. 7583). IZA.

Bryan, M., Bryce, A., Rice, N., Roberts, J., & Sechel, C. (2022). Exploring mental health disability gaps in the labour market: the UK experience during COVID-19. Labour Economics. Vol. 78

Bryson, A., & Green, F. (2015). Unions and job quality. In: A. Felstead, D. Gallie & F. Green (eds.), Unequal Britain at work. Oxford University Press.

Burzynski, M. & Peri, G. (forthcoming). Natives Sorting and the Impact of Immigration on European Labour Markets. LISER, mimeo.

Burzyński, M., Deuster, C., Docquier, F., & De Melo, J. (2022). Climate change, inequality, and human migration. Journal of the European Economic Association, 20(3), 1145-1197.

Bussink, H., Vervliet, T., & ter Weel, B. (2022). The Short-Term Effect of the COVID-19 Crisis on Employment Probabilities of Labour-Market Entrants in the Netherlands. De Economist 170, 279–303.

Carbonero, F., Ernst, E., & Weber, E. (2020). Robots Worldwide: The Impact of Automation on Employ­ment and Trade. Beiträge zur Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020: Gender Eco­nomics, ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics.

Card, D., & Peri, G. (2016). Immigration economics by George J. Borjas: a review essay. Journal of Economic Literature, 54(4), 1333-49.

Carrillo-Tudela, C., Clymo, A., Comunello, C., Jäckle, A., Visschers, L., & Zentler-Munro, D. (2023). Search and Reallocation in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the UK, Labour Economics, 81.

Casas, P., & Román, C. (2023). Early retired or automatized? Evidence from the survey of health, ageing and retirement in Europe. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 24, 100443. doi:10.1016/j.jeoa.2023.100443

Castellanos, K. A., & Heutel, G. (2019). Unemployment, labour mobility, and climate policy (National Bureau of Economic Research, no. 25797). NBER.

Castellino, O., Fornero, E., Wilke, C.B. (2020). Pension Policy in Europe and the United States – Towards a New Public-Private Pension Mix. (MEA Discussion Paper No. 08-2019). CeRP.

Cevik, M. S., & Jalles, J. T. (2022). For Whom the Bell Tolls: Climate Change and Inequality. Interna­tional Monetary Fund.

Chang, T. Y., Graff Zivin, J., Gross, T., & Neidell, M. (2019). The Effect of Pollution on Worker Produc­tivity: Evidence from Call Center Workers in China. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11(1), 151-72.

Christl, M., Bélanger, A., Conte, A., Mazza, J., & Narazani, E. (2021). The fiscal impact of immigration in the EU (JRC Working Papers on Taxation and Structural Reforms No 01/2021). European Commission, Joint Research Centre.

Chung, H., Bekker, S., & Houwing, H. (2012). Young people and the post-recession labour market in the context of Europe 2020. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 18(3), 301‑317.

Cingano, F., Leonardi, M., Messina, J., & Pica, G. (2010). The Effects of Employment Protection Legis­lation and Financial Market Imperfections on Investment: Evidence from a Firm-Level Panel of EU Countries. Economic Policy, 25, 117–163.

Cini, L. (2023). Resisting algorithmic control: Understanding the rise and variety of platform worker mobilisations. New Technology, Work and Employment, 38(1), 125–144.

Clasen, J., & Clegg, D. (2022). European labour markets and social policy: Recent research and future directions. In: K. Nelson, R. Nieuwenhuis & M. Yerkes (eds.), Social Policy in Changing European Societies: Research Agendas for the 21st Century (pp. 187–201). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Colombino, U. (2019). Is unconditional basic income a viable alternative to other social welfare measures? IZA World of Labour, 128, 128.

Colombino, U., & Islam, N. (2022). The ‘Robot Economy’ and Optimal TaxTransfer Reforms (IZA discus­sion paper series No 15198). Institute of Labour Economics.

Consolo, A., & Petroulakis, F. (2022). Did COVID-19 induce a reallocation wave? (Working Paper Series 2703). European Central Bank.

Conte, B., Desmet, K., & Rossi-Hansberg, E. (2022). On the Geographic Implications of Carbon Taxes (No. w30678). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Council of the European Union (2020). A bridge to jobs – Reinforcing the Youth Guarantee and replac­ing the Council Recommendation of 22 April 2013 on establishing a Youth Guarantee 2020/C 372/01. Council Recommendation of 30 October

Crettaz, E. (2013). A state-of-the-art review of working poverty in advanced economies: Theoretical models, measurement issues and risk groups. Journal of European Social Policy, 23(4), 347‑362.

Crettaz, E. (2015). Poverty and material deprivation among European workers in times of crisis, Inter­national Journal of Social Welfare, 24(4), 312–323.

Crinò, R. (2012). Service Offshoring and the Skill Composition of Labour Demand. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 74, 20-57.

Curtis, E. M. (2018). Who Loses under Cap-and-Trade Programs? The Labour Market Effects of the NOx Budget Trading Program. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 100(1), 151–166.

Damiani, M., Pompei, F., & Kleinknecht, A. (2023). Robots, skills and temporary jobs: evidence from six European countries. Industry and Innovation, 1-50.

Damiani, M., Pompei, F., & Ricci, A. (2016). Temporary employment protection and productivity growth in EU economies. International Labour Review, 155(4), 587-622.

Damiani, M., Pompei, F., & Ricci, A. (2020). Labour shares, employment protection and unions in European economies. Socio-Economic Review, 18(4), 1001-1038.

Dauch, B. (2018). The impact of new technologieson the labour market and the social economy. Euro­pean Parliament IP/G/STOA/FWC/2013-001/LOT 8/C1.

Dauth, W., Findeisen, S., Suedekum, J., & Woessner, N. (2021). The Adjustment of Labour Markets to Robots. Journal of the European Economic Association, 00(0), 1–50.

Davis, L. W., & Knittel, C. R. (2019). Are Fuel Economy Standards Regressive? Journal of the Associa­tion of Environmental and Resource Economists, 6(S1).

de la Rica, S., Glitz, A., & Ortega, F. (2015) Immigration in Europe: Trends, Policies, and Empirical Evidence. Handbook of the Economics of International Migration, 1B, 1303-1362.

De Stefano, V. (2015, October 15). The Rise of the ‘Just-in-Time Workforce’: On-Demand Work, Crowd Work and Labour Protection in the ‘Gig-Economy’. SSRN Electronic Journal.

de Vries, G.J., Gentile, E., Miroudot, S., & Wacker, K. (2020). The rise of robots and the fall of routine jobs. Labour Economics, 66, 101885.

Deal Boca, D. (2015). The impact of child care costs and availability on mothers’ labour supply (ImPRovE Working Papers 15/04). Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp.

Deole, S. S., Deter, M., & Huang, Y. (2023). Home sweet home: Working from home and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. Labour Economics, 80 (September 2021), 102295.

Deryugina, T., Fullerton,D., & Pizer, W.A. (2019). An Introduction to Energy Policy Trade-Offs between Economic Efficiency and Distributional Equity. Journal of the Association of Environ­mental and Resource Economists, 6(S1), S1–S6.

Devicienti, F., Grinza, E., & Vannoni, D. (2020). Why do firms (dis)like part-time contracts? Labour Economics, 65, 101864.

Doellgast, V., Holtgrewe, U., & Deery, S. J. (2009). The effects of national institutions and collective bargaining arrangements on job quality in frontline service workplaces. Industrial & Labour Relations Review, 62(4), 489–509.

Doorley, K., Gromadzki, J., Lewandowski, P., Tuda, D., & Van Kerm, P. (2023). Automation and Income Inequality in Europe (IBS working paper, mimeo). IBS.

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