SkiLMeeT > The project


Green transition, digitalisation and skill

As decarbonisation and digitalisation reshape European economies, an increasing number of companies across various sectors are looking for workers with new types of skills. However, they are facing challenges in finding such workers, due both to a lack of people with the required skills (skills shortage) and because the skills they possess do not perfectly match the needs of employers (skills mismatch). People without adequate qualifications cannot find good quality jobs, while the skills shortage hinders companies’ growth and competitiveness. The skills gap harms both companies, which cannot grow and compete, and the labour market, which experiences imbalances, with many posts remaining vacant and numerous people left jobless or stuck in low quality jobs.

Understanding skills mismatch and shortage

While digitalisation and the green transition are high on the European agenda, we still do not know how big the skills gap is, which groups of workers need reskilling and upskilling, or how the demand for skills is changing. SkiLMeeT aims to deliver this knowledge

Providing insights into skills gaps

SkiLMeeT analyses the scope of skills shortages and mismatches, identifies their drivers, and proposes innovative ways to reduce skills gaps.

SkiLMeeT aims to provide:

  • Indicators of skills shortages and mismatches in Europe
  • New insights into the drivers of skills gaps
  • Policy recommendation on how to close skills gaps

Who we are, and how we will explore skills gaps

SkiLMeeT research is carried out by labour economists, data scientists, and sociologists from eight universities and research institutes in six European countries. Meet the team

SkiLMeeT employs an inter- and transdisciplinary approach, using a variety of data sources, conducting analyses and engaging in extensive consultations with stakeholders to analyse and interpret the demand for and supply of skills, and to develop concrete policy proposals.

We will deliver

datasets and indicators

technical reports

research papers

policy briefs

We will organise

scientific conferences

virtual seminars

roundtables in Brussels

External Advisory Board

Michael Handel

Professor Emeritus of Sociology College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Northeastern University, Boston, USA



Salih Tutun

Researcher and data scientist



Uschi Backes-Gellner

Professor of Business Economics, Personnel Economics and Empirical Research



Glenda Quintini

Glenda is a senior economist at OECD, overseeing the work on skills carried out by the Employment Labour and Social Affairs Directorate.




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